Ultimately, a little site like this can only do so much. The graphics are much safer in a large, robust repository like OpenGameArt.org. This also encourages creators to use more permissive liscenses, but means that not everything here can be put there. On the bright side, some of the best stuff available is up on OGA, including Eeun's shipyard, Meowx's shipyard, Andre Vandal's old cosmics site, and much of the Magma plugins. Finally, I must mention that not everything in the shipyards I've put up on OGA was included. They have a policy about not putting stuff that's obviously going to violate copyrights if used in a game, so fan stuff such as Meowx's excellent Xwing and Eeun's Dalek are still hosted here. What follows is a brief list of shipyard-type content I've put up on OGA and anything I omitted.